Nature Strip Revitalisation Project by GDEG

Do you love helping bees?

Are you up to making your street-front prettier?

Would you like to see more butterflies in your neighbourhood?

The Greater Dandenong Environment Group would love to help you in reconverting your nature strip to nature! We are searching for residents in the City of Greater Dandenong who would like to see their street verges replanted with native and indigenous plants. We will work with you to create a plan for the space, prepare the area, provide the plants and even work with you to do the planting! 

All this for free!

What will you do? Be an owner/occupier of your house with a grass nature strip, be available to chat with us, be prepared to join us in some planting, maintain the garden and chat with your neighbours about what and why this is happening to your nature strip.

What will we do? Work with you to plan the garden, help in preparing the soil, provide the plants and any garden supplies required, help plant the garden according to the agreed plan.

How can we do this? GDEG received a ‘Climate Change Grant’ from the City of Greater Dandenong to support this work. We will follow the “Nature Strip Guidelines General Local Law 2021” while working with you; then together we will turn your boring grass strip into a pocket-sized native wonderland!

Why do this? Your revitalised nature strip will attract more insects such as butterflies, native bees and honeybees; this in turn also supports native birds and other wildlife. A “native strip” will then help combat climate change issues such as using less garden water due to the drought tolerant nature of the plants. These plants also assist your nature strip in soaking up water during heavy rains. Your new native strip will also look prettier with flowering plants, and you will be supporting our beautiful planet with a greater diversity of plants.

This is a free program applicable to owner/occupier residents in the City of Greater Dandenong only! However, numbers are limited!

Apply by February 15th by emailing your name, address and contact number to

Make 2025 the year you BRING NATURE BACK TO YOUR STRIP!

HURRY, applications close by 15th February.