There are a lot of butterflies around at the moment. Do you know their names? The most common one at the moment is the Common Brown. Most of them are males. We can tell that because the male is noticeably different to the female. Have a look here at some butterflies found in Dandenong or nearby.
The City of Greater Dandenong held an event on 19 September about preparation for the heat we may experience in the coming summer. It is expected that there will be more and more extreme hot days in the future. We all need to prepare our homes and know how to help the vulnerable people in our community. See here for more information.
Spring is here and the bugs are blooming! The Spring Fling at Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve on 3 September was an opportunity to celebrate the spring reopening of the reserve and enjoy all things nature. The day included planting, nature play, tours of the reserve and a free BBQ. Our group was there with a sample of local waterbugs for everyone to learn about the critters in our waterways.
Next time you see a dead tree that has a lot of borer holes, have a closer look. The pieces of grass in the stump below were put there by a nesting wasp! The wasps are likely to emerge around December, so we’ll be watching carefully to see if we can get a photo of one.
A number of our members joined other residents to encourage Greater Dandenong Council to strengthen its draft tree protection law. See more details in the Star Journal.
We were out again on 5th March on our annual contribution to Clean Up Australia Day. The Dandenong Wetlands are now cleaner than ever. Happily very little “large” rubbish was found. Thanks to all who contributed, and especially to organiser Dorothea.
Ready to go at the picnic area near the Dandenong Stadium
This bug was a mystery to our bug identifiers at the Dandenong Wetlands on 5 Feb. However, some checking by Ian showed that it is a Rat-tailed maggot fly, Myathropa flora, which is a larva of a hover fly. It liked crawling around on the edges of the ice cube tray.
WaterWatch at the Dandenong Wetlands on 6 November produced a big surprise in the bug sample – a Water Scorpion. Their bodies are up to 50 mm long so they’re not hard to find in the sample tray. See our Current Activities for details on where you can join us bug hunting.
Welcome to the Greater Dandenong Environment Group. After losing our free website years ago, we now have a new one. We’ve been busy over that time though. Have a look at what’s been happening here.